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Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(2): 101-111, Junio 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1556075


Introducción: El Xiaomi Mi Band 4 (XMB4) demostró ser exacto para medir pasos en sujetos sanos, pero no ha sido estudiado en pacientes con enfermedades respiratorias crónicas (ERC). Objetivos: Evaluar la exactitud del XMB4 para cuantificar pasos caminados en pacientes con ERC. Secundariamente, evaluar su viabilidad y usabilidad.Material y métodos: Estudio de concordancia contrastando los datos del XMB4 con la video-filmación (prueba de referencia). Fueron incluidos mayores de 18 años con diversas ERC y excluidos aquellos con deterioro cognitivo, limitaciones osteoarticulares y/o cardiovasculares que impedían la marcha. Realizamos un muestreo por conveniencia de pacientes que participaban de un programa de rehabilitación pulmonar.Las variables estudiadas incluyeron número de pasos, distancia y tiempo caminado, velocidad de la marcha, viabilidad y usabilidad. Cada participante realizó cinco caminatas (5, 10 y 30 metros, y 5 minutos a ritmo lento y rápido). Para testear la equivalencia estadística, necesitamos incluir 33 pacientes y utilizamos el método de intervalo de confianza con una zona de equivalencia de ±15%. Resultados: Fueron incluidos 33 pacientes, 64% mujeres, con una mediana (P25-75) de edad de 64,9 (55,8 a 70,2) años. Los pasos registrados por el XMB4 fueron equivalentes a los de la video-filmación en las diferentes caminatas, excepto en la de 5 metros. Los pasos fueron subestimados con un error de medición menor al 15%. Conclusiones: El XMB4 tiene una exactitud aceptable para medir pasos en pacientes con ERC excepto en caminatas muy cortas, es viable y fácil de usar

Introduction: Xiaomi Mi Band 4 (XMB4) has been shown to be accurate to measure steps in healthy subjects, but has not been studied in patients with chronic respiratory diseases (CRD).Objectives: To evaluate the accuracy of the XMB4 to quantify steps walked in patients with CRD. Secondarily, evaluate its feasibility and usability.Materials and methods: Agreement study compared the XMB4 data with the video (reference test). Adults aged 18 years or older with various CRD were included and those with cognitive impairment, osteoarticular and/or cardiovascular limitations that prevented walking were excluded. We conducted a convenience sampling of patients participating in a pulmonary rehabilitation program. Outcome measures studied included number of steps, distance and time walked, walking speed, feasibility and usability. Each participant performed five walks (5, 10 and 30 meters, and 5 minutes at a slow and fast pace).To test statistical equivalence we need to include 33 patients and use the confidence interval method with an equivalence zone of ±15%.Results: 33 patients were included, 64% women, with a median (P25-75) age of 64.9 (55.8 to 70.2) years. The steps recorded by the XMB4 were equivalent to those of the video in the different walks, except for the 5-meter walk. The steps were underestimated with a measurement error of less than 15%.Conclusions: XMB4 has acceptable accuracy for measuring steps in patients with CRD except for very short walks, it is feasible and easy to us.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Respiratory Tract Diseases , Walk Test/instrumentation , Fitness Trackers/statistics & numerical data , Argentina , Rehabilitation , Chronic Disease , Walking , Walking Speed , User-Centered Design
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 14(1)mar., 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554100


BACKGROUND: After a stroke, most patients often suffer reduced walking ability and balance. Restoring walking ability and improving balance are major goals of stroke rehabilitation. Treadmills are often used in clinical setups to achieve these goals. Adding dimensions to the visual feedback in addition to the mirror for real-time frontal view is proven to enhance the gait. It is, therefore, important to design additional real-time visual feedback in treadmill training, in particular for the sagittal view involved side. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to test if the real-time sagittal visual feedback during treadmill training is superior to the conventional mirror feedback treadmill training program of equivalent intensity in improving walking speed and balance after stroke. METHODS/DESIGN: The RE-VISIT trial (Real-time Visual feedback after Stroke in Treadmill training) is registered in the Clinical Trial Registry of India (CTRI/2023/10/058299). In this two-arm randomized control trial, which will be a single-blinded study, 42 eligible stroke survivors undergoing rehabilitation will be randomly allocated (1:1 ratio) to either real-time visual sagittal feedback along with front mirror (experimental) group or only front mirror treadmill training (control) group, all the participants will receive 15 sessions of treadmill training for up to 15 min at a safe self-selected speed over 5-6 weeks. The RE-VISIT (experimental) group will receive real-time, visual sagittal view feedback of the involved lower limb trajectory along with the routine front mirror view during treadmill training and will be asked to modify their gait pattern. The control group will receive treadmill walking training only with the routine front mirror view feedback. Clinical and gait assessments will be conducted at the baseline, immediately following the final session of training, and at the 9th week during follow-up. The outcome measures of interest are walking speed (primary) and balance (secondary), which will be measured prior to baseline, post 15 sessions of training, and at the 9th week following training. DISCUSSION: This REVISIT trial will provide insight and contribute to the existing innovation and modifications of incorporating realtime visual feedback during treadmill training in post-stroke gait rehabilitation. The findings will help the better designing of a gait rehabilitation program with a treadmill for post-stroke subjects to improve walking speed, and balance for those who have greater difficulties in community ambulation. We anticipate that those in the REVISIT training will demonstrate improved walking ability.

CONTEXTO: Após o acidente vascular cerebral, a maioria dos pacientes frequentemente sofre redução da capacidade de caminhar e do equilíbrio. Restaurar a capacidade de caminhar e melhorar o equilíbrio são os principais objetivos da reabilitação do AVC. As esteiras são frequentemente usadas em ambientes clínicos para atingir esses objetivos. Está comprovado que adicionar dimensões ao feedback visual, além do espelho para visão frontal em tempo real, melhora a marcha. É, portanto, importante projetar feedbacks visuais adicionais em tempo real no treinamento em esteira, em particular para o lado envolvido na visão sagital. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é testar se o feedback visual sagital em tempo real durante o treinamento em esteira é superior ao programa de treinamento em esteira com feedback de espelho convencional de intensidade equivalente na melhoria da velocidade de caminhada e equilíbrio após acidente vascular cerebral. MÉTODOS/ DESENHO: O ensaio RE-VISIT (feedback visual em tempo real após acidente vascular cerebral no treinamento em esteira) está registrado no Registro de Ensaios Clínicos da Índia (CTRI/2023/10/058299). Neste ensaio de controle randomizado de dois braços, que será um estudo cego, 42 sobreviventes de AVC elegíveis em reabilitação serão alocados aleatoriamente (proporção de 1:1) para feedback sagital visual em tempo real junto com grupo de espelho frontal (experimental) ou apenas Grupo de treinamento em esteira com espelho frontal (controle), todos os participantes receberão 15 sessões de treinamento em esteira por até 15 minutos em uma velocidade segura e autosselecionada durante 5-6 semanas. O grupo RE-VISIT (experimental) receberá feedback visual em tempo real da visão sagital da trajetória dos membros inferiores envolvidos, juntamente com a visão rotineira do espelho frontal durante o treinamento em esteira e será solicitado a modificar seu padrão de marcha. O grupo de controle receberá treinamento de caminhada em esteira apenas com o feedback rotineiro da visão do espelho frontal. Avaliações clínicas e de marcha serão realizadas no início do estudo, imediatamente após a sessão final de treinamento e na 9ª semana durante o acompanhamento. As medidas de resultados de interesse são a velocidade de caminhada (primária) e o equilíbrio (secundário), que serão medidos antes da linha de base, após a 15ª sessão de treinamento e na 9ª semana após o treinamento. DISCUSSÃO: este ensaio REVISIT fornecerá insights e contribuirá para a inovação e modificações existentes na incorporação de feedbacks visuais em tempo real durante o treinamento em esteira na reabilitação da marcha pós-AVC. As descobertas ajudarão no melhor desenho de um programa de reabilitação da marcha com esteira para indivíduos pós-AVC para melhorar a velocidade de caminhada e o equilíbrio para aqueles que têm maiores dificuldades na deambulação comunitária. Prevemos que aqueles no treinamento REVISIT demonstrarão melhor capacidade de caminhada.

Stroke , Feedback, Sensory , Walking Speed
Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; v. 27(n. 1 (2022)): 91-107, jan.2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1426821


Diminuições na velocidade da marcha (VM) estão associadas a desfechos adversos na saúde física e mental em idosos. Assim, torna-se relevante identificar fatores que podem associar-se com a VM confortável em idosos, de forma a propor estratégias para prevenção de alterações na mobilidade. Objetivo: verificar a associação entre declínio cognitivo, sintomas depressivos e do medo de cair com a VM confortável em idosos comunitários. Métodos: tratou-se de um estudo transversal, com amostra probabilística, incluindo 308 idosos comunitários. O desfecho do estudo foi a VM confortável, sendo considerado como baixo desempenho VM < 0,8m/s. As variáveis preditoras foram 1) declínio cognitivo avaliado pelo Mini Exame do Estado Mental, 2) sintomas depressivos avaliados com a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica Abreviada e 3) medo de cair avaliado pela Falls Efficacy Scale ­ Brasil. Para analisar a associação entre as variáveis foi utilizada a Regressão Logística Multivariada. Resultados: idosos tiveram chances significativamente maiores de apresentar baixo desempenho na VM confortável quando apresentaram declínio cognitivo (OR: 4,67; IC95%: 1,68; 12,94), sintomas depressivos (OR: 2,90; IC95%: 1,42; 5,92) e medo de cair (OR: 4,08; IC95%: 1,72; 9,71) quando comparados aos que não tiveram essas condições. Conclusão: o declínio cognitivo, sintomas depressivos e medo de cair foram associados ao baixo desempenho na VM confortável nos idosos amostrados. Esses achados podem servir para identificação precoce dos fatores que estão associados a alterações na VM confortável, contribuindo para a proposição de estratégias públicas em saúde e no direcionamento de atividades de promoção em saúde para idosos comunitários.(AU)

Decreases in gait speed (GS) are associated with adverse outcomes in the physical and mental health of the elderly. Thus, it is relevant to identify factors that can be associated with comfortable GS in community-dwelling older adults, to propose strategies to prevent changes in mobility. Objective: To verify the association between cognitive decline, depressive symptoms, and fear of falling with comfortable GS in community-dwelling older adults. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with a probabilistic sample, including 308 community-dwelling older adults. The study outcome was comfortable GS, being considered as low-performance MV < 0.8m/s. Predictive variables were 1) cognitive decline assessed by the Mini-Mental State Examination, 2) depressive symptoms assessed by the Abbreviated Geriatric Depression Scale, and 3) fear of falling assessed by the Falls Efficacy Scale - Brasil. Multivariate Logistic Regression was used to verify the association between the variables. Results: Community-dwelling older adults were significantly more likely to have poor performance in comfortable GS when they presented cognitive decline (OR: 4.67; 95%CI: 1.68; 12.94), depressive symptoms (OR: 2.90; 95%CI: 1 .42; 5.92), and fear of falling (OR: 4.08; 95%CI: 1.72; 9.71) when compared to those who did not have these conditions. Conclusion: Cognitive decline, depressive symptoms, and fear of falling were associated with poor performance in comfortable GS in the community-dwelling older adults sampled. These findings can serve for early identification of factors that are associated with changes in comfortable GS, contributing to the proposition of public health strategies and in directing health promotion activities for community-dwelling older adults.(AU)

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aging , Geriatric Assessment , Walking Speed
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008919


An in-depth understanding of the mechanism of lower extremity muscle coordination during walking is the key to improving the efficacy of gait rehabilitation in patients with neuromuscular dysfunction. This paper investigates the effect of changes in walking speed on lower extremity muscle synergy patterns and muscle functional networks. Eight healthy subjects were recruited to perform walking tasks on a treadmill at three different speeds, and the surface electromyographic signals (sEMG) of eight muscles of the right lower limb were collected synchronously. The non-negative matrix factorization (NNMF) method was used to extract muscle synergy patterns, the mutual information (MI) method was used to construct the alpha frequency band (8-13 Hz), beta frequency band (14-30 Hz) and gamma frequency band (31-60 Hz) muscle functional network, and complex network analysis methods were introduced to quantify the differences between different networks. Muscle synergy analysis extracted 5 muscle synergy patterns, and changes in walking speed did not change the number of muscle synergy, but resulted in changes in muscle weights. Muscle network analysis found that at the same speed, high-frequency bands have lower global efficiency and clustering coefficients. As walking speed increased, the strength of connections between local muscles also increased. The results show that there are different muscle synergy patterns and muscle function networks in different walking speeds. This study provides a new perspective for exploring the mechanism of muscle coordination at different walking speeds, and is expected to provide theoretical support for the evaluation of gait function in patients with neuromuscular dysfunction.

Humans , Walking Speed , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Electromyography , Gait/physiology , Walking/physiology
Medwave ; 22(4): e002551, 30-05-2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371689


Introduction Walking speed is related to functionality in daily activities. Preventive Medicine Examination of the Chilean older adults is a vital prevention program for Chilean community- dwelling older adults. However, this evaluation does not include speed in its battery of tests. Objective To evaluate the functional classification spaces for threshold, reference, and categorization val-ues of self- selected and maximum walking speed applied to self- sufficient older adults. Methods Seventy- two self- sufficient older adults participated in this observational, exploratory, and cross- sectional study. Each participant was asked to walk naturally and then at full speed for three minutes. Through a dispersion graph between self- selected walking speed (axis "x") and maximum walking speed (axis "y"), functional classification spaces were constructed according to documented values for i) thresholds of basic functionality, ii) referential for the instrumental spectrum and iii) functional categorization for "household walker" (< 0.4 meters per second, m/s), "limited community ambulator" (0.40 to 0.80 m/s), "community ambulator" (0.81 to 1.3 m/s), and "cross street safely" (> 1.3 m/s). The relative frequency (%) of older adults who meet each established quadrant was determined. Results The threshold was reached by 100% of the participants (basic daily activities). About 80% of the older adults have a functional classification space below the reference limit (instrumental and advanced daily activities). It was also found that 81% of women and 69% of men are "efficient in the community", and 31% of men and 14% of women reach the minimum value for "effec-tive street crossing" (advanced daily activities). Conclusions The exploration of functional classification spaces according to self- selected walking speed and maximum walking speed applied to a group of self- sufficient older adults reveals that this pop-ulation is at risk of deteriorating instrumental and advanced activities of daily living.

Introducción La velocidad de marcha se relaciona con la funcionalidad en actividades cotidianas. El Examen de Medicina Preventiva del Adulto Mayor es un hito relevante en la prevención de adultos mayores chilenos de la comunidad. Sin embargo, no incorpora a la velocidad dentro de su batería de pruebas. Objetivo Evaluar una propuesta complementaria al Examen de Medicina Preventiva del Adulto Mayor según Espacios de Clasificación Funcional para valores umbrales, referenciales y de categorización de velocidad de marcha confortable y máxima aplicada a personas mayores autovalentes. Métodos Participaron en este estudio observacional, exploratorio y transversal 72 adultos mayores autovalentes. Se solicitó a cada participante caminar naturalmente y luego a máxima velocidad durante 3 minutos. A través de un gráfico de dispersión entre velocidad de mar-cha confortable (eje "x") y máxima (eje "y"), se construyeron Espacios de Clasificación Funcional según valores documentados para i) umbrales de funcionalidad básica, ii) referenciales para el espectro instrumental y iii) categorización funcional para actividades "dentro del hogar" (< 0,4 m/s), "limitadas en la comunidad" (0,40 a0,80 m/s), "eficiente en la comunidad" (0,81 a1,3 m/s) y "cruce seguro de calles" (> 1,3 m/s). Se determinó la frecuencia relativa (%) de adultos mayores que cumplen con cada cuadrante establecido. Resultados El umbral fue sobrepasado por el 100% de los participantes (actividades cotidianas básicas). Cerca del 80% de los participantes presenta un Espacio de Clasificación Funcional bajo el límite de referencia (actividades cotidianas instrumentales y avanzadas). El 81% de las mujeres y el 69% de los hombres, se encuentran dentro del Espacio de Clasificación Funcional "eficiente en la comuni-dad". El 31% de los hombres y el 14% de las mujeres alcanzan el valor mínimo para el "cruce efectivo de calles" (actividades coti-dianas avanzadas). Conclusiones La exploración de Espacios de Clasificación Funcional según de velocidad de marcha confortable y máxima aplicada a un grupo de adultos mayores clasificados como autovalentes, resulta en individuos con riesgo para desarrollar actividades instrumentales y avanzadas.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Activities of Daily Living , Walking Speed , Chile , Walking , Independent Living
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 30(1): [1-18], jan.-mar. 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378533


Uma das alternativas para manter o idoso ativo a fim de melhorar as capacidades funcionais e a qualidade de vida (QV) é o treinamento de força (TF). Porém, existem variáveis que devem ser consideradas na prescrição do TF como a velocidade de movimento. O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma revisão sistemática para verificar o impacto de programas de TF realizados com diferentes velocidades de movimento na capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida em idosos saudáveis. Após seleção de artigos nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scopus e Web of Science foram encontrados 282 artigos, contudo, após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram considerados elegíveis 13 artigos para a revisão. Desses, 10 evidenciaram melhora na funcionalidade do grupo treinamento de força em alta velocidade (TFAV) ou resultado similar comparado ao treinamento tradicional (TT), dois encontraram resultados inalterados para ambos os grupos e um indicou que o grupo TT teve melhoras nos testes funcionais comparado ao TFAV. Quanto à QV, somente dois artigos avaliaram esta variável e foi observado resultado positivo utilizando o TFAV. Assim, foi observado que grande parte dos estudos sugere a realização do TFAV em detrimento do TT visando melhora ou manutenção da funcionalidade e QV. (AU)

One of the alternatives to keep the elderly active in order to improve functional capacities and quality of life (QL) is resistance training (RT). However, there are variables that should be considered in the prescription of RT as the speed of movement. The aim of the present study was to carry out a systematic review to verify the impact of RT programs carried out with different movement speeds on functional capacity and quality of life in healthy elderly people. After selecting articles in the Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science databases, 282 articles were found, however, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 articles were considered eligible for review. Of these, 10 showed improvement in the functionality of the high-speed resistance training group (HSRT) or similar result compared to traditional training (TT), two found results unchanged for both groups and one indicated that the TT group had improvements in functional tests compared to HSRT. As for QL, only two articles evaluated this variable and a positive result was observed using HSRT. Thus, it was observed that most studies suggest the performance of HSRT at the expense of TT in order to improve or maintain functionality and QL. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Quality of Life , Aged , Resistance Training , Walking Speed , Accidental Falls , Exercise , Functional Residual Capacity , Muscle Strength , Sarcopenia , Healthy Aging , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Movement
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 26: e20210375, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1375398


RESUMO Objetivo analisar a relação entre insuficiência familiar e a condição e os marcadores de fragilidade física de idosos acompanhados em ambulatório de Geriatria e Gerontologia. Método estudo quantitativo e transversal realizado com 384 idosos (≥ 60 anos) selecionados por critérios pré-estabelecidos de inclusão e exclusão. Avaliaram-se a fragilidade física segundo o fenótipo da fragilidade e a insuficiência familiar pelo APGAR de Família. Analisaram-se os dados mediante a estatística descritiva e a análise univariada mediante o teste de qui-quadrado com nível de significância estatístico de p≤0,05. Resultados não houve associação entre insuficiência familiar e fragilidade física (p=0,344), entretanto, observou-se percentual de idosos frágeis com elevada Disfunção Familiar (22,2%) e moderada Disfunção Familiar (19,4%), maior que o observado entre os idosos com boa funcionalidade familiar (12,2%). Entre os idosos frágeis para o marcador "fadiga/exaustão", houve proporcionalidade direta ao grau de Disfunção Familiar e relação estatisticamente significativa ao escore total do APGAR de Família (p=0,001). Conclusão e implicações para a prática a insuficiência familiar no idoso está relacionada a outros fatores intrafamiliares e não exclusivamente à fragilidade física, no entanto, pode-se afirmar que o grau de fragilidade física entre os idosos é diretamente proporcional ao nível de Disfunção Familiar.

RESUMEN Objetivo analizar la relación entre insuficiencia familiar y la condición y los marcadores de fragilidad física de ancianos acompañados en ambulatorio de Geriatría y Gerontología. Método estudio cuantitativo y transversal realizado con 384 ancianos (≥ 60 años) seleccionados por criterios preestablecidos de inclusión y exclusión. La fragilidad física fue evaluada de acuerdo el fenotipo de la fragilidad y la insuficiencia familiar según el APGAR de Familia. Los datos fueron analizados por estadística descriptiva y el análisis univariada por prueba de chi-cuadrado con nivel de significancia estadístico de p≤0,05. Resultados no hubo asociación entre insuficiencia familiar y fragilidad física (p=0,344), sin embargo, han sido observados ancianos frágiles con elevada Disfunción Familiar (22,2%) y moderada Disfunción Familiar (19,4%), mayor que lo observado entre los ancianos con buena funcionalidad familiar (12,2%). Entre los ancianos frágiles para el marcador "fatiga/agotamiento" hubo proporcionalidad directa al grado de Disfunción Familiar y relación estadísticamente significativa a la puntuación total del APGAR de Familia (p=0,001). Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica la insuficiencia familiar en el anciano está relacionada a otros factores intrafamiliares y no exclusivamente a la fragilidad física, sin embargo, se puede afirmar que el grado de fragilidad física entre los ancianos es directamente proporcional al nivel de Disfunción Familiar.

ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the relationship between family insufficiency and the condition and the markers of physical frailty of elderly people followed up in a Geriatrics and Gerontology outpatient clinic. Method a quantitative and cross-sectional study conducted with 384 elderly (≥ 60 years) selected by pre-established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Physical frailty was assessed according to the frailty phenotype and family insufficiency by the Family APGAR. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and univariate analysis using the chi-square test with a statistical significance level of p≤0.05. Results there was no association between family insufficiency and physical frailty (p=0.344), however, it was observed a percentage of frail elderlies with high Family Dysfunction (22.2%) and moderate Family Dysfunction (19.4%), higher than that observed among the elderly with good family functioning (12.2%). Among the frail elderly for the marker "fatigue/exhaustion", there was a direct proportionality to the degree of Family Dysfunction and a statistically significant relation to the total score of the Family APGAR (p=0.001). Conclusion and implications for the practice family frailty in the elderly is related to other intra-family factors and not exclusively to physical frailty, however, it can be stated that the degree of physical frailty among the elderly is directly proportional to the level of Family Dysfunction.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Family , Health of the Elderly , Frail Elderly , Ambulatory Care , Health Services for the Aged , Socioeconomic Factors , Health Profile , Exercise , Weight Loss , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hand Strength , Fatigue , Walking Speed
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 26: e20210131, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1360443


RESUMO Objetivo identificar os fatores associados ao risco de quedas entre as pessoas com doença de Parkinson cadastradas na Associação Parkinson Santa Catarina. Método estudo transversal exploratório descritivo e de abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 53 pessoas cadastradas na Associação Parkinson Santa Catarina, no município de Florianópolis, Brasil, no período de junho a setembro de 2019. Foram aplicados questionário sociodemográfico, Escala de Hoehn e Yahr, Mini Exame do Estado Mental e Teste de Rastreio do Risco de Queda no Idoso. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados por meio do Sistema online de Ensino-Aprendizagem de Estatística SEstatNet®. Resultados foram identificados fatores de risco, como sexo, aumento da idade, redução da força muscular, instabilidade postural e diminuição da velocidade da marcha. Em relação aos estágios da doença, foi constatado que em todos houve piora da velocidade da marcha e o medo de cair é constante, aumentando com o agravamento da doença e o tempo de diagnóstico. Conclusão e implicações para a prática ao aprofundar o estudo do tema, o enfermeiro consegue compreender os acometimentos motores que levam à fragilização e à queda em pessoas com doença de Parkinson, elaborando estratégias para preveni-las.

RESUMEN Objetivo identificar los factores asociados al riesgo de caídas en personas con enfermedad de Parkinson registradas en la Asociación de Parkinson Santa Catarina. Método estudio descriptivo exploratorio transversal, con abordaje cuantitativo realizado con 53 personas registradas en la Asociación Parkinson Santa Catarina, en la ciudad de Florianópolis, Brasil, de junio a septiembre de 2019. Se aplicaron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, la Escala de Hoehn y Yahr, el Mini Examen del Estado Mental y la Prueba de Detección del Riesgo de Caídas en Ancianos. Los datos se tabularon y analizaron utilizando el Sistema en línea de enseñanza-aprendizaje de estadísticas SEstatNet®. Resultados se identificaron factores de riesgo como sexo, mayor edad, disminución de la fuerza muscular, inestabilidad postural y disminución de la velocidad de la marcha. En cuanto a las etapas de la enfermedad, se encontró que en todas ellas se produjo un empeoramiento de la velocidad de la marcha y el miedo a caer es constante, aumentando con el empeoramiento de la enfermedad y el momento del diagnóstico. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica al profundizar en el estudio del tema, el enfermero es capaz de comprender las deficiencias motoras que conducen a la fragilidad y caída en personas con enfermedad de Parkinson, ideando estrategias para prevenirlas.

ABSTRACT Objective to identify the factors associated with risk of falls among people with Parkinson's disease registered at the Parkinson Santa Catarina Association. Method this is a cross-sectional exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach, carried out with 53 people registered at the Parkinson Santa Catarina Association, in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil, from June to September 2019. Sociodemographic questionnaire, Hoehn and Yahr scale, Mini Mental State Examination and Simple Screening Test for Risk of Falls in the Elderly were applied. The data were tabulated and analyzed using the SEstatNet® Statistics Teaching-Learning Online System. Results risk factors were identified, such as sex, increased age, reduced muscle strength, postural instability and decreased gait speed. Regarding the stages of the disease, it was found that in all of them there was a worsening of gait speed and the fear of falling is constant, increasing with the worsening of the disease and diagnosis time. Conclusion and implications for practice by deepening the study of the topic, nurses are able to understand the motor impairments that lead to frailty and fall in people with Parkinson's disease, developing strategies to prevent them.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Parkinson Disease/diagnosis , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Risk Groups , Levodopa/therapeutic use , Visual Acuity , Comorbidity , Chronic Disease , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Drug Interactions , Walking Speed , Pramipexole/therapeutic use
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 34(5,supl.1): 78-86, Nov. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346350


Abstract Background There is no consensus among tools for assessing frailty. Objective To evaluate the prevalence of frailty according to different tools in patients referred for elective valve cardiac surgery. Methods This is a cross-sectional study. All patients were ≥ 18 years of age, clinically stable. The following patients were excluded: those unable to perform the tests because of physical, cognitive, or neurological limitations; those requiring non elective/emergency procedures or hemodynamic instability. During the preoperative cardiology visit, frailty was assessed by the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), the Frailty Deficit Index (FDI), handgrip strength, and gait speed 3m. For the entire analysis, the statistical significance was set at 5%. Results Our cohort consisted of 258 subjects. From the total cohort, 201 were ≤ 70 years of age (77.9%), the predominant etiology according to rheumatic disease (50.7% vs 8.8%; p=0.000) with double mitral lesion (24.9% vs 0%; p=0.000). Frailty was present in 32.9% according SPPB, 29.1% with reduced muscular strength. and 8.9% with FDI. Handgrip strength was weaker in elderly patients (26.7 vs 23.6; p=0.051) and gait speed was lower in the younger group, in which 36% were considered frail (36% vs 14%; p=0.002). Variables associated with frailty were age ≥ 70 years, female gender, aortic stenosis, and regurgitation. Conclusion Frailty in adult patients who will have elective heart valve surgery is present even in the younger groups, although the older group with comorbidities are more frail. Frailty was more clearly shown by the SPPB than by the FDI and handgrip tests.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Aortic Valve Stenosis/surgery , Frail Elderly , Frailty/diagnosis , Heart Valves/surgery , Rheumatic Diseases , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Preoperative Period , Walking Speed , Frailty/epidemiology , Gait Analysis , Cardiac Surgical Procedures
Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 37(2): 115-124, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388140


Resumen La prueba de velocidad de marcha en 4 metros (T4M) es considerada sustituto de la caminata en 6 min (TC6M) en EPOC. Sin embargo, no ha sido bien investigada en otras enfermedades respiratorias. Durante un año estudiamos pacientes que concurrieron a nuestra Unidad para realizar el TC6M midiendo la velocidad alcanzada en 4 metros, 2 h previo a realizar el TC6M. De 162 pacientes 99 eran mujeres. La edad media fue de 65 años, peso de 73 kg, talla de 158 cm, IMC 29,4 kg/m2. 36% tenían fibrosis pulmonar idiopática, 17% EPOC, GOLD IV,11% EPOC, GOLD III, 12% apnea de sueño y 12% otras enfermedades. No hubo diferencia para los distintos diagnósticos en ambos tests. La distancia media en TC6Mfue 368,5 m la velocidad: 1,01 m/s en T4M.Hubo una correlación positiva significativa entre ambos test: alto rendimiento en T4M es equivalente a un alto rendimiento en el TC6M. Hubo correlación negativa con la edad y positiva con la estatura. Al año de seguimiento 16 pacientes habían fallecido, siendo estos los que habían obtenido los más bajos rendimientos en ambos tests (T4M: 0,69 m/s y 248,1 m en TC6M) La posibilidad de sobrevida cayó a 20% en aquellos individuos que alcanzaron una velocidad inferior a 0,69 m/s. Es posible sustituir el TC6M por el T4M en pacientes con diferentes patologías respiratoria, podemos predecir la muerte por cualquier causa si un sujeto camina a una velocidad ≤ 0,69 m/s, T4M es barato y fácil de realizar en atención primaria, sirviendo como evaluación de riesgo para referir a un centro más complejo.

4-Meter Gait Speed Test (4MGST) a frailty test, is considered a surrogate for the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) in COPD. However, it has not been investigated in other respiratory conditions. Over a year, we studied patients attending our Unit for evaluation with 6MWT, measuring the speed they achieved walking 4 m, 2 h before performing 6MWT. 162 patients (99 women) were studied; series' mean values were: age 65 years-old; body weight, 73 kg; height, 158 cm and BMI, 29.4 kg/m2. 36% of them had idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, 17% GOLD IV COPD, 11% GOLD III COPD, 12% pulmonary arterial hypertension, 12% obstructive apnea-hypopnea syndrome, and 12% other conditions. ANOVA showed no difference between diagnostic categories for both test. Average score in 6MWT was 368.5 m and 1.01 m/s in 4MGST. Pearson correlation coefficient revealed significant positive correlation between results of both tests: high score in 4MGST is equivalent to high score in 6MWT. There was negative correlation with age and positive correlation with height. At one year follow-up, 16 patients had died. They obtained significantly lower scores in both tests (4MGST: 0.69 m/s and 6MWT: 248.1 m) Survival chance fell to 20% for patients walking slower than 0.69 m/s. It is possible to replace TC6M with T4M in patients with different respiratory pathologies, we can predict death for any cause if a subject walked at ≤ speed at 0.69 m/s. T4M is cheap and easy to perform in primary care, serving as a risk assessment to refer to a more complex center.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Primary Health Care , Respiratory Tract Diseases/physiopathology , Walk Test , Respiratory Tract Diseases/mortality , Survival Analysis , Chronic Disease , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis , Walking Speed , Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 29(2): [1-23], abr.-jun. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366525


O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os efeitos de exercícios físicos baseados no método Pilates solo sobre a capacidade funcional, fatores antropométricos, níveis de marcadores inflamatórios circulantes e a qualidade de vida em idosas sedentárias. Trata­se de um delineamento quase experimental com pré e pós teste. A amostra foi constituída por 33 mulheres idosas com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos. Para avaliar a capacidade funcional (CF) foram utilizados os testes de velocidade de caminhada (VC) e de força de preensão manual (FPM). Para avaliar a presença de marcadores inflamatórios foram realizados exames laboratoriais a fim de quantificar os níveis séricos de proteína C reativa ultrassensível (PCR-us) e fibrinogênio. E para avaliar a qualidade de vida (QV) foi utilizado o questionário SF ­ 36. Na análise estatística utilizou-se o teste de normalidade Shapiro Wilk. Para os dados paramétricos teste t pareado e ANOVA one Way e, para os dados não paramétricos, o teste Wilcoxon e Kruskal-Wallis. O teste Qui-Quadrado foi utilizado para analises de associações. Os dados foram analisados pelo no programa SPSS-IBM, versão 22.0 devidamente registrado. O nível de significância adotado foi de p≤0,05. O grupo Pilates não apresentou alterações estatisticamente significativas em relação à CF (p>0,05), porém as demais variáveis apresentaram diferença significativa. Para variáveis antropométricas, PCR e fibrinogênio (p < 0,05); e QV, dois domínios apresentaram alterações significativas: limitações por aspectos físicos (p=0,045) e dor (p=0,011). Conclui-se que a prática do método Pilates solo promoveu redução significativa sobre a composição corporal, sobre os níveis séricos de marcadores inflamatórios, sobre a qualidade de vida e manutenção da capacidade funcional de idosas sedentárias. (AU)

The aim of the present study was investigate the effects of exercises based on the Pilates method on functional capacity, anthropometric factors, levels of circulating inflammatory markers and quality of life in sedentary elderly women. It is an almost experimental design with pre and post-test. The sample considered of 33 elderly individuals, aged 60 years and female. In order to evaluate the functional capacity (FC), the tests of walking speed (WS) and manual grip strength (MGS) were used; to evaluate the presence of inflammatory markers, laboratory tests were performed to quantify the serum levels of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen, and the SF-36 questionnaire was used to evaluate the quality of life. For statistical analysis, Shapiro Wilk normality test was used. For parametric data, paired t- test and one-way ANOVA were used, and for nonparametric data, the Wilcoxon and Kruskal -Wallis test. Chi-square test was used for association analysis. All data were analyzed by SPSS-IBM, version 22.0 duly registered and the significance level of p ≤0.05 was stipulated. The Pilates group did not present significant alterations in relation to CF (p> 0.05), but the other variables presented. Anthropometric variables (total body mass, BMI, waist and hip circumference), C-reactive protein and fibrinogen (p< 0,05); and in relation to QV, two domains presented significant changes: limitations by physical aspects (p = 0.045) and pain (p = 0.011). It was concluded that the Pilates solo practice promoted a significant reduction in body composition, serum levels of inflammatory markers, quality of life and maintenance of functional capacity

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Quality of Life , Women , Aging , Exercise , Exercise Movement Techniques , Inflammation , Physical Education and Training , Quality of Life , Self Care , Fibrinogen , Protein C , Anthropometry , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sedentary Behavior , Walking Speed
Dement. neuropsychol ; 15(1): 60-68, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286173


ABSTRACT. Changes in executive function and motor aspects can compromise the prognosis of older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and favor the evolution to dementia. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in executive function and gait and to determine the association between changes in these variables. Methods: A 32-month longitudinal study was conducted with 40 volunteers: 19 with preserved cognition (PrC), 15 with MCI and 6 with Alzheimer disease (AD). Executive function and gait speed were assessed using the Frontal Assessment Battery, the Clock-Drawing test and the 10-meter walk test. For data analysis, the Pearson product-moment correlation, two-way repeated-measures ANOVA, and chi-square were conducted. Results: After 32 months, an improvement in the executive function was found in all groups (p=0.003). At baseline, gait speed was slower in individuals with MCI and AD compared to those with PrC (p=0.044), that was maintained after the follow-up (p=0.001). There was significant increase in number of steps in all groups (p=0.001). No significant association was found between changes in gait speed and executive function. Conclusions: It should be taken into account that gait deteriorates prior to executive function to plan interventions and health strategies for this population.

RESUMO. Alterações na função executiva e nos aspectos motores podem comprometer o prognóstico de idosos com comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL) e favorecer a evolução para demência. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar alterações na função executiva e na marcha e determinar a associação entre alterações nessas variáveis. Método: Foi realizado um estudo longitudinal de 32 meses com 40 voluntários: 19 com cognição preservada (PrC), 15 com CCL e 6 com doença de Alzheimer (DA). A função executiva e a velocidade da marcha foram avaliadas por meio de bateria de avaliação frontal, do teste de desenho do relógio e do teste de caminhada de 10 metros. Para a análise de dados, o coeficiente de correlação produto-momento de Pearson, ANOVA de medidas repetidas bidirecional e o qui-quadrado foram realizados. Resultados: Após 32 meses, houve melhora na função executiva em todos os grupos (p=0,003). No início do estudo, a velocidade da marcha foi mais lenta nos indivíduos com CCL e DA em comparação com os PrC (p=0,044), que foi mantida após o acompanhamento (p=0,001). Houve aumento significativo no número de etapas em todos os grupos (p=0,001). Não foi encontrada associação significativa entre alterações na velocidade da marcha e função executiva. Conclusões: Deve-se levar em consideração que a marcha se deteriora antes da função executiva para planejar intervenções e estratégias de saúde para essa população.

Humans , Walking Speed , Aging , Longitudinal Studies , Cognition , Cognitive Dysfunction
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922190


BACKGROUND@#The number of adults aged over 65 years is rapidly increasing in several Southeast Asian countries. Muscle mass decreases with age, leading to sarcopenia. The primary objective of this study was to determine whether differences exist in the body composition and physical strength, according to ethnicity, among community-dwelling Japanese and Thai older adults living in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.@*METHODS@#A survey was conducted in February and March 2019. Japanese and Thai adults aged ≥ 60 years living in Chiang Mai Province were recruited through community clubs. Participants completed a self-administered questionnaire that enabled collection of data on age, sex, educational background, marital status, annual income, current medical conditions, smoking and alcohol consumption, and exercise habits. Measurements were collected on height, weight, body composition, blood pressure, hand grip, and walking speed for 6 m. Body composition was measured using a standing-posture 8-electrode multifrequency bioimpedance analysis analyzer. Hand grip of each hand was measured with the patient in the standing position using a digital grip dynamometer. Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with skeletal muscle mass index (SMI).@*RESULTS@#Of the total 119 participants, 47 were Japanese (26 men, 21 women) and 72 were Thai (16 men, 56 women). The prevalence of a low SMI was 3/26 (12%), 1/21 (5%), 6/16 (38%), and 5/56 (9%) among Japanese men, Japanese women, Thai men, and Thai women, respectively. The prevalence of low muscle strength was 2/26 (8%), 2/21 (10%), 3/16 (19%), and 13/56 (23%) among Japanese men, Japanese women, Thai men, and Thai women, respectively. There were significant differences between ethnic groups in body mass index for both sexes, percentage body fat in women, SMI in men, and average grip strength in men. Ethnic group, sex, age, and body mass index were independent predictors of SMI.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Ethnicity had a clinically important effect on body composition and physical strength among older Japanese and Thai adults living in a similar environment.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aging/physiology , Asian People/ethnology , Body Composition , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Electric Impedance , Ethnicity , Hand Strength , Independent Living , Muscle Strength , Thailand/ethnology , Walking Speed
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 34: eAPE00541, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1152661


Resumo Objetivo: Investigar a associação entre cognição, velocidade da marcha e resultado final da habilitação veicular de idosos candidatos à Carteira Nacional de Habilitação. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo de corte transversal desenvolvido em 12 clínicas de trânsito de Curitiba/Paraná/Brasil. A amostra do tipo probabilística foi constituída por 421 idosos (≥ 60 anos). Para a coleta de dados foram aplicados o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), teste de velocidade da marcha e realizadas consultas ao formulário Registro Nacional de Condutores Habilitados. A relação entre as variáveis foi identificada por meio do teste de regressão linear múltipla, método stepwise, utilizando-se o programa estatístico R versão 3.4.0. Resultados: Observou-se que, ao aumentar o escore no MEEM em uma unidade a chance do idoso ser considerado inapto temporariamente para dirigir diminui em 54,96% (95%; IC 28,47% - 92,69%; p<0,0001), e ao aumentar uma unidade no escore do MEEM houve um aumento na velocidade da marcha (VM) de 0,0091 (95%; IC 0,0005 - 0,0174; p=0,0366). Conclusão: O elevado escore no MEEM diminuiu a probabilidade do idoso ser considerado inapto temporariamente para dirigir veículos automotores e houve uma tendência de aumento da VM com o aumento dos escores do MEEM. A VM é um importante indicador a ser avaliado em idosos motoristas, logo, é um tópico a ser incluído nas avaliações das clínicas de trânsito, assim como o rastreamento cognitivo, fundamental para avaliar um conjunto de atividades mentais necessárias à direção veicular segura.

Resumen Objetivo: Investigar la relación entre cognición, velocidad de la marcha y obtención del permiso de conducir en adultos mayores que tramitan la licencia de conducir. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo de corte transversal llevado a cabo en 12 centros médicos de evaluación de tránsito de Curitiba, estado de Paraná, Brasil. La muestra probabilística fue formada por 421 adultos mayores (≥ 60 años). Para la recolección de datos se aplicó el Mini Examen del Estado Mental (MEEM), la prueba de velocidad de la marcha y se realizaron consultas al formulario del Registro Nacional de Conductores Habilitados. La relación entre las variables fue identificada mediante la prueba de regresión lineal múltiple, método stepwise, con el programa de estadística R versión 3.4.0. Resultados: Se observó que, al aumentar la puntuación del MEEM una unidad, la probabilidad de que el adulto mayor sea considerado no apto temporalmente para conducir se redujo un 54,96 % (95 %; IC 28,47 % - 92,69 %; p<0,0001), y al aumentar una unidad la puntuación del MEEM, hubo un aumento en la velocidad de la marcha (VM) de 0,0091 (95 %; IC 0,0005 - 0,0174; p=0,0366). Conclusión: La puntuación del MEEM elevada redujo la probabilidad de que el adulto mayor sea considerado no apto temporalmente para conducir automóviles y hubo una tendencia de aumento de la VM con un aumento de la puntuación del MEEM. La VM es un indicador importante que debe ser evaluado en adultos mayores conductores. Por lo tanto, es un tema que deberá ser incluido en las evaluaciones de los centros médicos de evaluación de tránsito, así como también el rastreo cognitivo, fundamental para analizar un conjunto de actividades mentales necesarias para una conducción vehicular segura.

Abstract Objective: To investigate the association between cognition, gait speed and the result of vehicle habilitation of elderly candidates for the National Driver's License. Methods: Quantitative cross-sectional study developed in 12 traffic agencies in Curitiba, state of Paraná, Brazil. The probabilistic sample consisted of 421 elderly people (≥ 60 years). The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), gait speed testing and consultations to forms of the National Qualified Drivers Registration were used for data collection. The relationship between variables was identified through the multiple linear regression test, stepwise method, using the statistical program R, version 3.4.0. Results: When increasing a unit in the MMSE score, the chance of the elderly person being considered as temporarily unfit to drive decreased by 54.96% (95% CI; 28.47% - 92.69%I; p<0.0001). When increasing a unit in the MMSE score, there was an increase in gait speed (GS) of 0.0091 (95% CI: 0.0005 - 0.0174; p=0.0366). Conclusion: The high MMSE score decreased the probability of the elderly participant being considered temporarily unfit to drive motor vehicles. There was a trend of higher GS with the increase in MMSE scores. As GS is an important indicator to be assessed in elderly drivers, this topic should be included in evaluations of traffic agencies, as well as cognitive screening, which is essential to assess a set of mental activities necessary for safe driving.

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Automobile Driver Examination , Automobile Driving , Physical Fitness , Cognition , Walking Speed , Mental Status and Dementia Tests , Cross-Sectional Studies , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 54: e06232020, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155605


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Individuals with human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) experience sensorimotor alterations, which can affect functional performance. Virtual reality (VR) videogaming is a therapeutic option, though there is scarce evidence for its use in this population. We aimed to investigate the therapeutic effects of a VR video game on functional mobility, balance, and gait speed in individuals with HAM/TSP. METHODS: We conducted a blinded, crossover clinical trial comprising 29 individuals with HAM/TSP and randomized them into two groups: (1) early therapy: rehabilitative protocol started immediately after the initial evaluation and (2) late therapy: rehabilitative protocol started 10 weeks later. We assessed all participants for balance using the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) scores, functional mobility using the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, and gait speed using video camera and CvMob software. Differences were considered significant if p<0.05. RESULTS: The early therapy group individuals presented with higher BBS scores (p=0.415), less TUG times (p=0.290), and greater gait speed (p=0.296) than the late therapy group individuals. CONCLUSIONS: VR videogaming is a useful option for rehabilitative therapy in individuals with HAM/TSP; it positively affects balance, functional mobility, and gait speed.

Humans , Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 , Paraparesis, Tropical Spastic/therapy , Video Games , Virtual Reality , Walking Speed
Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; 26(3): 241-253, dez.2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1425362


Introdução: as medidas de desempenho da função física podem prever incidência futura de incapacidade, dependência em atividades de vida diária, institucionalização e morte em idosos após Acidente Vascular Encefálico. Embora existam estudos verificando o efeito da idade na velocidade de marcha e na incapacidade, ainda existem lacunas significativas na literatura com idosos após Acidente Vascular Encefálico. Objetivo: verificar quais são os possíveis preditores da velocidade de marcha em idosos após Acidente Vascular Encefá- lico. Métodos: estudo transversal, em que foi avaliada: velocidade de marcha (teste de caminhada de 10 metros ­ TC10m), força de flexores plantares e extensores de joelho do lado parético (Teste do Esfigmomanômetro Modificado ­ TEM), mobilidade (Time up and Go ­ TUG) e depressão (Escala de Depressão Geriátrica ­ GDS). Foi utilizada a regressão linear para verificar quais preditores explicariam a velocidade de marcha. Resultados: 60 indivíduos foram incluídos, idade média de 71 ± 7 anos, com TC10m de 0,7 ± 0,3 m/s, força de flexores plantares de 133 ± 66 mmHg e força de extensores de joelho de 198 ± 62 mmHg, TUG de 19 ± 10 s e GDS 6 ± 3 pontos. A força de flexores plantares do lado parético explicou 33% da variação da velocidade de marcha. Quando a mobilidade foi incluída, a variância aumentou para 43%. Conclusão: a força dos flexores plantares do lado parético e a mobilidade são preditores e influenciam diretamente a velocidade de marcha nos idosos após o Acidente Vascular Encefálico.(AU)

Introduction: performance-based measures of physical function can predict the future incidence of disability, dependence in activities of daily living, institutionalization, and death in older people after stroke. Although there have been previous studies examining the effect of age on walking speed and disability, significant gaps still exist in the literature with older people after stroke. Purpose: to verify the possible predictors of the walking speed in elderly individuals after stroke. Methods: cross-sectional study, where it was evaluated: walking speed (10-meter walking test ­ 10 MWT), plantar flexor and knee extensor strength of the paretic side (Modified Sphygmomanometer Test ­ MST), mobility (Time up and Go ­ TUG), and depression (Geri- atric Depression Scale ­ GDS). It was used linear regression to verify which predictors would explain the walking speed (α=0,05). Results:60 individuals were included with a mean age of 71±7 years, with 10MWT of 0.7±0.3m/s, plantar flexor strength of 133±66mmHg and knee extensor strength of 198±62mmHg, TUG of 19±10s, and GDS 6±3 points. The plantar flexor strength of the paretic side explained 33% of the variance of the walking speed. When mobility was included, variance increased to 43%. Conclusion: plantar flexors strength of the paretic side and mobility are predictors and have a direct influence on the walking speed in older people after stroke.(AU)

Aged , Stroke , Depression , Mobility Limitation , Muscle Strength , Walking Speed
Motriz (Online) ; 27: e10210015020, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287353


Abstract Aim: To compare muscle function of knee extensors, gait parameters, and physical function in older women with and without knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and to associate these parameters to the KOA incidence in this population. Methods: Sixteen older women with KOA (66.9 ± 5.5 years; 74.9 ± 10.0 kg; 157.9 ± 0.9 cm; 30.2 ± 5.0 kg/m2) and fourteen healthy counterparts (control group: CG; 68.8 ± 5.8 years; 68.9 ± 10.5 kg; 158 ± 0.06 cm; 27.4 ± 4.0 kg/m2) participated in this study. Muscle function, physical function, and gait parameters were evaluated in both groups. The Western Ontario and McMaster Index (WOMAC) questionnaire was answered only by the KOA group. A correlation was performed to verify if KOA incidence was associated with muscle function, physical function, and gait parameters. Results: KOA group showed lower peak torque at 60°/s (30%; p = 0.003) and 180°/s (37%; p < 0.001), greater acceleration time at 60°/s (382%; p < 0.001), lower cadence (12.2%; p = 0.002), slower gait speed (19.5%; p < 0.001) and greater stride time (12.5%; p = 0.001) than CG group. However, there was no difference between groups in physical function (p < 0.0045). The KOA incidence presented a negative correlation with peak torque (rho = −0.602; p < 0.001), cadence (rho = −0.533; p = 0.002), gait speed (rho = −0.633; p < 0.001), stride length (rho = −0.517; p = 0.003) and a positive correlation with stride time (rho = 0.533; p = 0.002) and acceleration time (rho = 0.655; p < 0.001). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that knee osteoarthritis may impair the function of the knee extensors muscles and gait parameters. An association between the ability to produce force rapidly and gait speed with the KOA incidence in older women was also observed.

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Osteoarthritis/physiopathology , Exercise/physiology , Walking Speed , Knee Joint
Motriz (Online) ; 27: e1021016420, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287366


Abstract Aims: The study aimed to evaluate the effects of a backward running (BR) training program prescribed by the peak backward running velocity (Vpeak_BR) on physiological variables and a 3 km forward running (FR) performance. Methods: Eight untrained running male adults in running took place in the study. All the participants underwent five weeks of BR training prescribed based on Vpeak_BR. They performed a maximal incremental test on the treadmill to determine the maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) and the velocity associated with V̇O2max (vV̇O2max). The participants were also tested on the track field to determine the Vpeak_BR and undertook a 3 km FR performance. All initial assessments were also performed after the training period. Results: The results showed statistically significant improvements in 3 km FR performance (14.2 ± 1.2 min vs. 13.5 ± 1.0 min) and Vpeak_BR (8.0 ± 0.8 km·h−1 vs. 8.5 ± 0.5 km·h−1) after the training period. Conclusion: BR training effectively improved 3 km FR performance and Vpeak_BR, demonstrating that Vpeak_BR determined according to the protocol proposed in this study can be used for the prescription of BR training. Further, BR training represents an effective training method that can be inserted into an FR running training program.

Humans , Male , Running , Walking Speed/physiology , Physical Functional Performance , Physical Endurance/physiology , Pilot Projects , Exercise Test
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 25: 1-8, set. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1141481


O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a concordância na velocidade da marcha (VM) a partir dos testes de caminhada de seis minutos (6MWT) e de quatro metros (4MWT) em mulheres diabéticas tipo 2 (DM2). Os testes foram realizados antes e após intervenção de 12 semanas com exercícios físicos. O 4MWT foi realizado em espaço de quatro metros, sendo o resultado do teste medido como o tempo gasto (segundos) no percurso. O 6MWT foi realizado em modelo de ir e vir em uma distância de 15 metros e o resultado foi a distância total (metros) percorrida. Os resultados foram padronizados para velocidade de deslocamento (m/s). Para avaliar a concordância (6MWTpré x 4MWTpré) e (6MWTpósx 4MWTpós), utilizou-se o teste de Bland-Altman (B-A) e o coeficiente de concordância de correlação de Lin. O nível de significância aceito para o estudo foi α 5%. Foram medidas 39 mulheres, com idade média de 58,79 ± 10,03 anos e diagnóstico de DM2 a 8,64 ± 8,53 anos. Verificou-se, pelo teste de B-A, diferenças na VM dos testes de -0,001 ± 0,19 m/s (IC95%: -0,37 a 0,37 m/s) no início e 0,02 ± 0,21 m/s (IC95%: -0,39 a 0,42 m/s) ao final e concordância de 0,60 (IC95%: 0,41 a 0,79; p < 0,001) e 0,52 (IC95%: 0,31 a 0,73; p < 0,001) pré e pós, respectivamente, pelo coeficiente de concordância de correlação Lin. Através dos dados obtidos, sugere-se que os dois testes podem ser utilizados para avaliar a VM das mulheres DM2, porém o 6MWT apresentou maior reprodutibilidade para detectar mudanças na VM ao longo do tempo

This study aimed to test the agreement in the gait speed (GS) between the 6-minute walk test and the 4-me-ter gait speed (6MWT - 4MWT) in type 2 diabetic women (T2DM). The tests were performed before and after a 12-week physical exercise intervention. The 4MWT was performed in a space of four meters, with results based on the time spent (seconds) to complete a 4-meter distance. The 6MWT was carried out similar to a yo-yo test in 15 meters and the result was operationalized by the total distance (meters) covered. The results of the tests were standardized as speed (m/s). To evaluate agreements (6MWTbefore x 4MWTbefore) and (6MWTafter x 4MWTafter), Bland-Altman (B-A), and Lin's agreements were used. The level of significance was set at 5%. A total of 39 women were evaluated, mean age 58.79 ± 10.03 years, diagnosis of diabetes at 8.64 ± 8.53 years.The B-A test showed a mean difference in GS of -0.001 ± 0.19 m/s (95%CI: -0.37 to 0.37 m/s) before and 0.02 ± 0.21 m/s (95%CI: -0.39 to 0.42 m/s) after, and Lin's agreements of 0.60 (95%CI: 0.41 to 0.79; p < 0.001) and 0.52 (95%CI: 0.31 to 0.73; p < 0.001) before and after, respectively. Based on our data it is suggested that the two tests can be used to evaluate the GS of T2DM women, but the 6MWT was more reproductible to detect changes in GS over time

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/diagnosis , Walk Test/methods , Gait Analysis/methods , Socioeconomic Factors , Fujita-Pearson Scale , Walking Speed